图书馆: library间: space in between; opening合作: cooperate; collaborate; work ...特设委员会: ad hoc committee特设委员会: ad hoc committee; hoc committees and commissions协调制止种族隔离政策工作特设委员会: ad hoc committee on coordination of activities in regard to combating policies of apartheid; hoc committee on coordination of activities in regard to combating policies of apartheid利特设委员会: to be free from arbitrary arrest detention题特设委员会: of the collective security provisions of房舍特设委员会: hoc committee on buildings核裁军特设委员会: hoc committee on nuclear disarmament问题特设委员会: operation of the council ant its洋底特设委员会: uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor印度洋特设委员会: ad hoc committee on the indian ocean图书馆委员会: library committee协调制止种族隔离政策工作特设委员: hoc committee on co-ordination of图书馆资源委员会: clr council on library resources巴勒斯坦问题特设委员会: hoc committee of the palestinian question裁军谈判会议特设委员会: hoc committee of the conference on disarmament反恐怖主义特设委员会: ad hoc committee on combating international terrorism; hoc committee on combating international terrorism房舍问题特设委员会: hoc committee on buildings附属机构特设委员会: ad hoc committee on subsidiary organs; hoc committee on subsidiary organs改组问题特设委员会: hoc committee on the restructuring国际恐怖主义特设委员会: ad hoc committee on international terrorism; hoc committee on international terrorism和平利用外空特设委员会: hoc committee on the peaceful use of outer space合理化问题特设委员会: ad hoc committee on rationalization
图书馆间合作特设委员会的法语:comité spécial de la coopération interbibliothèques图书馆间合作特设委员会的俄语:специальный комитет по межбиблиотечному сотрудничеству图书馆间合作特设委员会的阿拉伯语:اللجنة المخصصة للتعاون بين المكتبات;