

发音:   用"图书交流"造句


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        图书:    books
        交流:    exchange; interflow; interch ...
        电子图书交流区:    e-book exchange
        对外图书交流中心:    foreign book exchange center
        图书交换:    exchange of books
        图书工业交流会:    bic book industry communication
        图书倡导及国际交流处:    division for book promotion and international exchanges
        读书交友:    reading friends
        古旧书交换:    antiquarian book exchange
        图书:    books 图书资料 books and reference materials; 图书目录 catalogue of books; library catalogue; 图书室 reading room; 图书学 bibliology; 图书征集 book collection; requisition
        交付证书交船证书交货证明书交货证书:    certificate of delivery
        交付证书交船证书交货证实书交货证书:    certificate of delivery
        交流:    1.(彼此把自己有的供给对方) exchange; interflow; interchange 交流经验 exchange experience; draw on each other's experience; 交流计划 exchange programme; 城乡物资交流 flow of goods and materials between city and country; 经济和技术交流 economic and technical interchange; 文化交流 cultural exchange2.[电学] (交流电流) ac (alternating current); alternating; 交流电动机 alternating-current motor; 交流电焊机 a.c. welder; 交流电机 alternating current machine; ac dynamo; 交流电机车 alternating-current locomotive; 交流电力牵引 alternating-current propulsion; 交流电铃 [讯] magneto bell; 交流电流计 ac galvanometer; 交流电子管 ac tube; 交流电阻 ac resistance; 交流收音机 all-electric set; a.c. receiver; 交流输电 ac transmission; 交流中心 exchange centre
        交付证书交船证书交货证明书:    certificate of delivery
        交付证书交船证书交货证实书:    certificate of delivery
        电子商业文书交换标准:    edi electronic data interchange
        乙种换地权益书交易市场:    letter b market; letter ‘b’ market
        交流电,交流:    ac alternating current
        交流式 交流制:    acsystem
        图书馆:    library 北京图书馆 beijing library; 大学图书馆 college library; university library; academic library; 国家图书馆 national library; 省[市; 区; 县] 图书馆 provincial [municipal; district; county] library; 学校图书馆 school library; 图书馆工作 library works; 图书馆管理 library management; 图书馆馆员 librarian
        图书柜:    bookshelf
        图书库:    library
        图书室:    library
        图书学:    science of book
        图书证:    library card


  1. "图书简介"英文
  2. "图书简介 广告印刷设备"英文
  3. "图书鉴定"英文
  4. "图书鉴定, 书评"英文
  5. "图书交换"英文
  6. "图书借阅区"英文
  7. "图书进出口公司"英文
  8. "图书进销"英文
  9. "图书进销学"英文
  10. "图书俱乐部"英文


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