国际: international; between natio ...生活经验: experience of life组织: organization; organized syst ...国际生活实验组织: eil; experiment in international living the生活经验: life experience无生活经验的: as green as grass幼稚的, 无生活经验的: green as grass国际生活: international affairs; international life; life international; mezhdunarodnaya zhizh; mezhdunarodnaya zhizn常识的,有生活经验得来的: common-sense见过世面, 富有生活经验: have seen the lions通晓人情世故, 富有生活经验: know the world; see the world国际生物防治组织: iobc生活经历: life-history国际生活水平定义与测量: international definition and measurement of levels of living: an interim guide生活经历调查表: experiential world inventory生活经历较长的人: the longer-lived国际生活条件与健康研究医学协会: amiev; international medical association for the study of living conditions and health国际生活中争端和紧张局势的新的起因: new sources of disputes and tension in international life国际生活状况和卫生研究医学协会: international medical association for the study of living conditions and health实际生活标准: physical standard of living实际生活水平: real standard of living国际生联: iupab国际生皮: international council of hides skins and leather traders association国际生存权利组织美国分部: survivalinternationalusa国际生物工艺学和生物工程学组织: international organization for biotechnology and bioengineering