国际: international; between natio ...放款: make loans; loan; credit国际放射学会: international society of radiology; isr中国国际放送: cri国际放射学会会议: international society of radiology congress国际放射学会议: international congress of radiology中国国际放送局: china radio international国际放火调查员协会: iaai = international association of arson investigators; iaai international association of arson ivestigation国际放射防护委员会: international commi ion on radiological protection; icrp; international commission on radiological protection icrp; international commission on radiological protection; icrp国际放射性单位委员会: international commission on radiological units国际放射性工程杂志: international journal of radiation engineering国际放射医学核医学杂志: international journal of radiation medicine and nuclear medicine放款: make [grant] loans; loan; credit 长期放款 long-term loan; 短期放款 short-term loan; 中期放款 medium-term loan; 该银行答应向他们放款两万英镑。 the bank promised to make a loan of twenty thousand pounds to them.; 放款标准 lending criteria; 放款机构 lending institution; 放款人 lender; money-lender; 放款限度 loan ceiling;放款业务lending operation; money lending business; 放款银行 loan bank; 放款帐户 loan account国际放射线单位和测定委员会: international comission on radiation units and measurement国际放射线摄影师与放射技术员协会: internation society of radiographers and radiological technicians; isrrt国际放射性单位与测量委员会: icru国际放射性废物越境转移业务守则: international code of practice for transboundary movement of radioactive waste国际放射性辐射防护委员会: icrp; international commission on radiological protection国际放射性核素计量学委员会: international committee for radionuclide metrology国际放射学教育和信息委员会: icre; international commission on radiological education and information国际放射照相员和放射技术员学会: international society of radiographers and radiological technicians实际放大: real magnification云际放电: cloud to cloud discharge; intercloud discharge实际放出容量: actual discharging capacity贷款;放款: lending