国际: international; between natio ...太阳: the sun两极: the two poles of the earth; ...考察: inspect; investigate; examin ...飞行: flight; flying; aviate; voya ...计划: plan; project; programme; de ...飞行计划: alert ercallpiston; flight piston; flight planning; flightplan飞行计划板: flight board飞行计划表: flight diagram; flight planning table; flight schedule飞行计划呢: what's the flight plan包机飞行计划: charter flightpiston备份飞行计划: antiaircraft artillery firepiston飞行计划数据: flight plan data飞行计划用图: operational planning chart飞行计划中心: flight planning center复合飞行计划: composite flight plan航天飞行计划: space flight program结束飞行计划: closed flight plan民航飞行计划: civilian flightpiston模拟飞行计划: simulated flight plan目视飞行计划: contact flightpiston申报飞行计划: to file a flight plan现行飞行计划: current flight plan; current flightpiston制订飞行计划: plan the flight重复飞行计划: repetitive flight plan
国际太阳两极考察飞行计划的法语:mission internationale d’étude des régions polaires du soleil国际太阳两极考察飞行计划的俄语:международная программа изучения солнечных полюсов国际太阳两极考察飞行计划的阿拉伯语:الرحلة الدولية لدراسة المناطق القطبية الشمسية;