国际: international; between natio ...儿童: children和: mix; blend青少年: young boys and girls; teen-a ...运动: arrange things or get things ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...国际儿童和青年运动委员会: cim consejo internacional de mujeres国际儿童和青少年糖尿病研究小组: international study grouon diabetes in children and adolescents; international study group on diabetes in children and adolescents; isgd国际儿童和青少年组织理事会: council of international organizations directly interested in clildren and youth儿童和青少年: children and adolescents国际儿童和青少年精神病治疗及有关专业协会: iacp; international association for child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions儿童和青少年法规: code for children and adolescents国际儿童和青年剧院协会: international association of theatre for children and young people国际儿童和青年戏剧协会: assitej; international association of theatre for children and young people国际儿童和青年影片中心: icfcyp; international centre of films for children and young people儿童和青少年社交功能障碍: social functioning disorders of childhood and adolescence欧洲儿童和青少年精神病学协会: european society of child and adolescent psychiatry国际儿童和青年组织理事会: coidiea; council of international organizations directly interested in children and youth国际儿童年美国委员会: u.s. committee for international year of the child儿童和妇女权利行动委员会: comite d'action pour les droits de l'enfant et de la femme国际青少年读物委员会: international board on books for young people国际工人体育运动委员会: iwsc国际聋人体育运动委员会: ciss; international committee of sports for the deaf国际聋人运动委员会: international committee of sports for the deaf国际汽车竞赛运动委员会: commiddion sportive internationale; commission sportive intrnationale