国玺: broad seal; great seal; seal ...政府: government的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...正式: formal; official; regular公章: official seal; common seal国玺, 中央政府的官印: broad seal政府的: governmental; official; political半政府的: para-government; quasi-governmental部门,(政府的)部: ministry反对政府的: antiadministration联邦政府的: federal伪政府的: para-government政府的部: ministry政府的部门: a government department grant publication政府的承认: recognation of government政府的开支: lesson the cost of government政府的垮台: fall of a goverment政府的年限: the life of a government政府的银行: bank of the government政府的责任: state responsibility政府的政策: government policies money ministers政府的职权: province of government政府的资金: government funds政府的资助: b.granted agree withh国玺: broad seal; great seal; seal of the state