国: country; nation; state常: ordinary; common; normal全国常模: national norm英国常衡: avoirdupois英国常衡磅: avoirdupois pound英国常衡表: avoirdupois英国常衡制: avoirdupois weights英国常青藤: english ivy法国常设代表: perminent french delegate联合国常任理事国: united nations security council美国常务副国务卿: united states deputy secretary of state英国常衡制重量: avoirdupois weights联合国常规武器登记册: united nations register of conventional arms联合国常规武器登记处: united nations register of conventional arms联合国常设应急小组: united nations standing emergency group外国记者和外国常驻新闻机构管理条例: regulations concerning foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies西非经共体九国常设调解委员会: ecowas standing mediation committee of nine; ecowasstandingmediationcommitteeofnine国长: kuninaga国场: kokuba国朝: kunitomo国昌五金行: kwo chan co. ltd国巢: kunisu; kuzu国昌: kunimasa国臣: kuniomi; kunishige国产总值翻两番: quadruple the gnp国城: great wall, china