国家: country; state; nation间: space in between; opening方案: scheme; plan; programme; pro ...阿拉伯国家间方案: intercountry programme for arab states编制国家间方案: intercountry programming国家间方案管理计划: intercountry programme management plan国家间方案和伙伴关系支助处: intercountry programme and partnershisupport branch向欧洲输送石油和天然气国家间方案: interstate oil and gas transmission to europe亚洲及太平洋国家间方案管理计划: intercountry programme management plan for asia and pacific国家间: intercountry中间方案稿: draft project发展中国家间经济合作和特别方案司: division for economic cooperation among developing countries and special programmes国家间关系: inter-state relations国家间体系: interstate system国家间项目: intercountry project国家间协定: inter-state agreement国家间争端: dispute between states构造空间方案: structural spatial concept国家间委员会: inter-state commission机构间方案协调科: inter-agency programme coordination section欧洲长期空间方案: european long-term space programme区域间方案编制: interregional fund for programme preparation promotion and evaluation区域间方案基金: ifppe全球和区域间方案: global and inter-regional programmes国家间合作理事会: inter-state cooperation council