

  • external drain
  • 国外:    external; overseas; abroad
  • 枯竭:    dried up; exhausted; drain
  • 枯竭:    dried up; exhausted; drain 资金枯竭。 the capital has been exhausted. 长时间干旱, 水源都枯竭了。 the long drought dried up the source. 这位作家的想象力好像己经枯竭了。the writer's imagination seems to have dried up
  • 国外:    external; overseas; abroad 寄往国外的信件 letters for abroad; 国外来信 letters from abroad; 他从国外回来。 he has returned from abroad.; 国外汇兑 foreign exchange; 国外来信 letter from abroad; 国外贸易 external trade; 国外侨胞 fellow countrymen residing abroad; 国外市场 overseas market; 国外事务 external affairs; 国外投资 foreign investment
  • 干涸,枯竭:    dry up


        国外:    external; overseas; abroad
        枯竭:    dried up; exhausted; drain
        枯竭:    dried up; exhausted; drain 资金枯竭。 the capital has been exhausted. 长时间干旱, 水源都枯竭了。 the long drought dried up the source. 这位作家的想象力好像己经枯竭了。the writer's imagination seems to have dried up
        国外:    external; overseas; abroad 寄往国外的信件 letters for abroad; 国外来信 letters from abroad; 他从国外回来。 he has returned from abroad.; 国外汇兑 foreign exchange; 国外来信 letter from abroad; 国外贸易 external trade; 国外侨胞 fellow countrymen residing abroad; 国外市场 overseas market; 国外事务 external affairs; 国外投资 foreign investment
        干涸,枯竭:    dry up
        枯竭层:    depleted formation
        枯竭带:    depleted zone
        枯竭的:    outspent
        枯竭剂:    exhausting agent
        枯竭井:    depleted well; exhausted well; exhaustedwell
        枯竭率:    voidage rate
        半枯竭油层:    semi-depleted reservoir
        不会枯竭的:    exhaustless; exhibitor
        财力枯竭:    no.at the end of one's means
        产油枯竭带:    marginal zone
        地下水枯竭:    depletion of groundwater; groundwater depletion
        肥力枯竭:    effete
        国内枯竭:    internal drain
        含水层枯竭:    aquifer depletion
        耗尽枯竭:    exhaustion
        黄金枯竭:    gold drain
        季节性枯竭:    seasonal depletion
        渐渐枯竭:    drain away; drain off
        经济枯竭:    financial drain
        枯竭百分率:    percentage depletion


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