

  • natural dispersion


        固有:    intrinsic; inherent; inheren ...
        色散:    dispersion; chromatic disper ...
        固有色:    diffuse; propor color
        固有色贴图:    diffuse color
        固有色帖图:    diffuse color
        固有色指数:    intrinsic colour index
        有色:    coloured 戴着有色眼镜看事情 look at things through coloured spectacles -- take a distorted view; 有色玻璃 coloured glass; 有色金属 non-ferrous metal; 有色人种 coloured race; 有色眼镜 coloured spectacles
        色散:    [物理学] dispersion; chromatic dispersion◇色散波 dispersive wave; 色散测定 dispersion measurement; 色散度 dispersity; 色散方程 dispersion equation; 色散关系 [等离子] dispersion relation; 色散角 dispersion angle; 色散离子波 dispersive wave; 色散棱镜 [光学] dispersing prism; dispersion prism; 色散量 [天体物理] dispersion measure; 色散律 dispersion law; 色散率 [光学] dispersive power; 色散器 dispersor; 色散曲面 dispersion surface; 色散特性 dispersion characteristics; 色散系数 abbe number; 色散现象 dispersion phenomenon; chromatic dispersion; 色散延迟线 dispersive delay line
        固有:    intrinsic; inherent; inherence; innate 资本主义制度固有的矛盾 the contradictions inherent in the capitalist system; 人的正确思想不是自己头脑中固有的。 correct ideas are not innate in the mind
        有色瓷:    stained porcelain
        有色的:    colored; coloured; tinged - colorless
        有色灯:    colored lamp
        有色茧:    colored cocoon
        有色粒:    chromatoplastid; chromoplastid
        有色毛:    black
        有色片:    colored pellets
        有色水:    colored water; coloured water
        有色体:    chromatoplast; chromoplastid; colored body; coloured body
        有色物:    colored substance; coloured substance
        有色线:    painted line
        有色性:    colouredness
        有色烟:    coloured smoke
        有色纸:    colored paper
        固有膜, 固有层:    tunicae propria
        固有膜,固有层:    proper tunic; tunica propria


  1. "固有韧带"英文
  2. "固有日程"英文
  3. "固有溶解度"英文
  4. "固有弱质失效"英文
  5. "固有色"英文
  6. "固有色贴图"英文
  7. "固有色帖图"英文
  8. "固有色指数"英文
  9. "固有筛窦"英文
  10. "固有商业"英文


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