固有: intrinsic; inherent; inheren ...反馈: feedback; couple back; retro ...固有反射: inborn reflex固有反应性: built in reactivity有反馈噪声: noisy feedback固有反射因素: eigenreflexionsfaktor inherent reflectance factor有反馈的传递函数轨迹图: feedback transfer locus一般的带有反馈的伺服机构: general feedback servomechanism固有: intrinsic; inherent; inherence; innate 资本主义制度固有的矛盾 the contradictions inherent in the capitalist system; 人的正确思想不是自己头脑中固有的。 correct ideas are not innate in the mind有反应: respond反馈: [电学] feedback; couple back; retroaction; tickling; back feed; recuperation; back-tracking; back coupling; return coupling 负反馈 negative feedback; 正反馈 positive feedback; 信息反馈给政府有关部门。 the information is fed back to the government department concerned反对, 有反感: take exception没有反应的: responseless; unresponsive所有反向: reverse all有反必肃: counter-revolutionaries must be eliminated wherever found有反意的: rebellious有反作用的: antagonistic固有膜, 固有层: tunicae propria固有膜,固有层: proper tunic; tunica propria对钠有反应的: sodium-responsible思想上有反复: have ideological relapses有反对倾向的: antipathic有反对意见吗: any objection有反叛精神的: rebellious固有波: natural wave; original wave