固定资产: fixed assets报废: announce invalidated check i ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...会计核算: accounting固定资产报废期: date of retirement固定资产报废损失: loss on realization of fixed assets; loss on retirement of fixed assets固定资产会计[核算: fixed assets accounting提前报废的固定资产: fixed assets retired in advance固定资产核算: anlagenrechnung; anlagenwirtschaft; fixed assets accounting股票补偿计划的会计核算: accounting for stock compensation plans少数股权的会计核算: accounting for minority interests物价变动影响的会计核算: accounting for the effects of changing prices固定资产会计: fixed-assets accounting固定资产的报废: disbursing of fixed asset资产报废: asset retirement; retirement of assets会计核算: accounting◇会计核算方法 accounting method; 会计核算形式 accounting procedure按会计法规进行的会计核算: accounting based on legal requirements通货膨胀会计 按币值调整的会计核算: accountingforinflation资产报废费用: retirement costs资产报废损失: asset retirement losses; loss on property retired雇主财务报表中对退休金的会计核算: accounting for retirement benefit in the financial statements of employers; accountingforretirementbenefitinthefinancialstatementsofemployers收购时少数股权的会计核算: accounting for minority interest on acquisition通货膨胀和变动价格的会计核算: accounting for inflation and changing prices定期会计核算: periodic accounting会计核算方法: accounting method