The banking system now offers many styles of loans of which the 30 year fixed rate loan was the most common now replaced by a 30 year variable loan 银行系统现在提供许多形式的贷款,以往最常见的30年固定利率贷款现在为浮动利率所替代。
These loans usually begin with lower interest rates for the first two or three years than fixed - rate mortgages . then the rate changes as major interest rates rise or fall 这些贷款通常在最初的两到三年里比固定利率贷款低。然后利率随着主流利率的涨幅变化。
Chapter one focused on the analysis of the prepayment influencing factors . in this chapter , five influencing factor which including mortgage interest rate , mortgage contract feature , refinancing condition , overall economic situation and speculation , were discussed 为了便于本文研究的开展,本文将提前偿还问题的研究定位在对固定利率贷款捆绑的一个单一金融产品加以分析,并着重对经济型等额偿还固定利率住房抵押贷款提前偿还加以分析和研究。
E ) lack of foresight on finance lease scheme , which causes irrational tenor structure and imbalanced annual outflow of rental payments , results in funding costly . to solve aforesaid problems , thesis finds out the following principles for optimizing ca ' s aircraft finance : a ) determining the volume and currencies of ca ' s cross - border aircraft finance based on the annual outflow of foreign debt repayments and annual net inflow of foreign exchange , so are the dominated currencies in debt . b ) enlarging the portion of borrowings at floating interest rate in ca ' s whole foreign debt 针对以上存在主要问题,本文进一步提出了优化飞机融资的总体构想,包括:根据其每年的外汇流入总量及币种构成确定国航合理的飞机境外融资规模应与负债币种;在利率结构方面,扩大浮动利率在整个国航外债中的比重,选择适当时机将部分固定利率贷款转换为浮动利率贷款;在飞机引进多元化方面,通过与飞机制造厂商、出租公司飞机互换的方式优化机队构成,结合提前中止现有飞机租赁就能够起到优化债务结构和机队构成的事半功倍的效果,以及在未来飞机融资中优先使用经营性租赁等。