固定: fixed; regular作息: work and rest法: law固定作用: fixation; fixed action; fixed adtion; immobilization钾素固定作用: fixation of potassium离子固定作用: ion fixation磷素固定作用: fixation of phosphorus生物固定作用: biologic fixation有机固定作用: organic fixation作息: work and rest 按时作息 work and rest according to schedule; 作息时间表 daily schedule; timetable; work schedule钙固定作用减退: hypocalcipexy磷酸盐固定作用: retention of phosphates肥料养分的固定作用: fixation of fertilizer element锁定拖拉机进行固定作业: blocking of tractor for belt work氮的固定 氮气固定作用 固氮作用: nitrogenfixation作息表: daily routine锁定拖拉机用皮带传动进行固定作业: blocking of tractor for belt work刺息法: blood oneedly method调息法: pranayamas观息法: anapana龟息法: feign death计息法: interest method利息法: interest method数息法: breath-counting method随息法: breath-following method