Report on technique for enhancement of mullet 港湾围堤养梭鱼发展休闲渔业
It is a wooden tripod with rods between the supports 常用于截流、防洪、调剂水量,围堤抢险等。
Wave resistance of shore border dike at the container pier of ningbo port 宁波港集装箱码头陆域围堤抗浪性能研究
Settlement observation and back analysis for the second stage polder dike project of zhapu port 乍浦港二期围堤工程沉降观测与反分析
The whole process of breakwater riprapping construction was monitored by the prototype monitoring device buried in the sand soft nappe 摘要通过埋设在砂肋软体排上的原形观测仪器,对防浪围堤抛石施工过程进行了全程监测。
围: enclose; surround; corral堤: clear筑围堤: embank半潮围堤: half tide cofferdam低土围堤: low earth barrier放淤围堤: warping bank圆筒形围堤: cylindrical cofferdam月堤围堤: hooping dike周边围堤: peripheral dyke垦拓滩地用围堤: reclamation dike筑有围堤的地区: embanked area围地: exclosure; inclosure of land围道曲面: contour surface围地则谋: on hemmed-in ground resort to stratagem. on desperate ground fight围道积分法: contour integration围点打援: encircle an enemy post in order to attack reinforcements coming to its aid围道积分: circulatory integral; contour integral; integral round a contour围兜: bib; bit围道的刻凿: indentation of contours围堵: surrond围岛沙坝: flying bar