园: an area of land for growing ...里: in; inside柳园里: down by the sally gardens仓井园里: sori aoi花园里干活: if i were you i should tell him the truth绿色果园里: in the green orchard小梨原园里: sori orihara在花园里: in the garden在校园里: on school campus中园里绪: rio nakazono公园里的午餐: 45.lunch in the park; lunch in the park果园里的金子: br /43.the g0ld in the orchard花园里的石凳: a stone seat in the garden漫步在花园里: strolling in the garden人们在公园里: people in the park校园里的恋爱: dating on campus在公园里散步: stroll in the park在花园里做操: to exercise in the garden动物园里长见识: zoos can help动物园里的科学: science at the zoo动物园里的小丑: 78.a mime in a zoo动物园里真热闹: lively zoo公园里到处都有树: there are trees all round in the park公园里的一条长凳: pay for a park bench公园里人不会多: be incapable of