Abstract : through film analysis of second fly of men " s long horse handspring tucked salt with 720 performed by some of elite chinese gymnast , this paper indicates the kinetic characteristic and regulation of " second fly " , which is one of the key actions for this movement and also provide the theoretical bases and technique data for the training 文摘:本文通过对我国部分优秀男子体操运动员跳马“前手翻团身前空翻2周”动作的影片解析,揭示出运动员在完成该动作关键技术之一的第2腾空动作技术的运动学特征与规律,为进一步训练提供理论依据与技术参数。
团: dumpling身: body前空翻: forward somersault in the ai ...弹起团身前空翻下: baby-fiiffis; baby-fliffis前滚翻团身前空翻: forward roll and subsequent doeqard tucked salto前滚翻接团身前空翻: forward roll and subsequent forward tucke salto团身向前空翻两周: double forward somersaault tucked; double forward somersault tucked弹起挺身前空翻: banni挺身前空翻或后空翻: aerial walkover forward or backward单腿挺身前空翻转体90°下: banni前空翻: [杂技] forward somersault in the air同俯卧蹦起转身前空翻转体180度成俯卧: turn-table团身后空翻: back salto tucked; back sommie; back tuck somersault; backward tuck salto; somersault backward with body tucked前空翻下: forward dismouat; forward dismount; front salto dismount; front someersault off; front somersault off屈体前空翻: bent-body front salto dismount; forward piked salto前空翻或后空翻: aerial walkover forward or back ward团身后空翻下: backward tuck salto dismount前空翻式跳远: flip直体前空翻下: forward flyaway团身后空翻两周: double back tuck团身后空翻两周下: double salto backward阿拉伯式前空翻: arabian forward分腿前空翻抓高杠: straddle front somersault to catch high bar向后摆臂的前空翻: forward somersault with arm swing backward后空翻转体180°接前空翻: fliffus