因素: factor; element产品: product; produce; fabric; ta ...关系: relation; filiation; relatio ...要素产品关系: factor product relation工作产品关系图: wpd diagram商品关系: commodity relations代谢因素产热: metabolic causes heat production产品因素: product element人机关系因素: ergonomic factor放射性同位素产品的分类和命名原则: general principle of nomenclature and classification of radioisotope products产品的时间因素: temporal element of products关系民生的产品: products vital to the people's livelihood; products vital to the people’s livelihood奢侈品关税: luxuries duty; luxury duties水力因素关系曲线法: bed load discharge and hydraulic factors curve method元素产额: elemental yields因素: s factor因素: factor; element 决定因素 decisive factor; 积极因素 positive factor; 关键因素 the key facter; 致病的因素 factor in the causation of disease; 社会因素 social factor; 主导因素 leading factor; 基本因素 essential element; 人的因素 the human factor; 调动一切积极因素 bring every positive factor into play; 考虑到各种因素 taking all factors into consideration; 决定战争的各种因素 various factors that determine the war; 勤奋和机遇是他成功的两大因素。 industry and opportunity were the chief factors in his success毒素产生试验: test for toxin production同位素产生器: brookhaven linac isotope producer胰岛素产生率: insulin production rate甾类激素产生: steroidogenesis当前中国精神病与社会因素关系探析: psychosis and its social factors in china today工业品关税配额: tariff rate quotas on industrial products生长激素产生腺瘤: growth hormone producing adenoma同质异能素产额比: isomeric yield ratio