

  • marry him for love
  • :    follow; carry on
  • 爱情:    love; affection
  • :    "抓"
  • :    he
  • 结婚:    marry; get married; marry up


        :    follow; carry on
        爱情:    love; affection
        :    "抓"
        :    he
        结婚:    marry; get married; marry up
        为爱情而非为金钱结婚:    marry for love not money
        他结婚很晚:    he married late in life
        他结婚了:    he is married
        他结婚的日子:    the day of his nuptials
        父亲希望他结婚:    osho visits his family his father wants him to marry
        如果他认为我会跟他结婚:    if he thinks i’d marry him he has another think coming
        你必须完全放弃与他结婚的念头:    you must give up all thought of marrying him
        生命因为付出了的爱情而更为富足:    life has become richer by the love that has been lost
        为一个看似很远的爱情而坚持不懈:    reaching for a love that seem so far; reaching for a love that seems so far
        结婚:    marry; get married; marry up 为金钱结婚 marry for money; 因爱情而同他结婚 marry him for love; 结婚草率懊恼多 marry in haste and have a lot of trouble; 他结婚很晚。 he married late in life.; 结婚登记 marriage registration; 结婚戒指 alliance ring; 结婚年龄 age for marriage; matrimonial age; 结婚证书[明] marriage certificate; marriage lines [licence]
        因爱之名:    the boxer
        因爱之名义:    in the name of love
        不约而同:    do or think the same without prior consulation; act in concert without previous arrangement; agree undesignedly; agree [fit] without precious consultation; an undesigned coincidence; be in agreement without prior discussion; do the same thing without previous arrangement; fall precisely together with; happen to coincide; simuitaneously; take the same action or view without prior consultation; tally by coincidence [chance; accident]; with one accord 她一讲完, 大家不约而同都鼓起掌来。 spontaneous applause broke out as soon as she finished speaking. 他俩不约而同地走出房间去享受那温暖的阳光。 of one accord, they went out of their room to enjoy the warmth of the sun. 他们都不约而同地提出了这个问题。 they all raised the question as if by prior agreement
        其他结构:    other structures
        爱情:    love (between man and woman); affection 热烈的爱情 fervent love; 甜密的爱情 sweet affection; 伪装的爱情 spurious affection; 永恒的爱情 an undying affection; 庸俗的爱情 vulgar affection; 转瞬即逝的爱情 fleeting love; 爱情不分贫富。 love lives in cottages as well as in courts.; poor or rich, love first. 爱情一淡薄, 样样不顺眼。 faults are thick where love is thin. 她渴望得到那个美貌青年的爱情。 she desired the love of the handsome youth.; 爱情歌曲 love song; 爱情纪念品 love token; 爱情结 love knot (一种装饰性花结); 爱情镜头 love scene; 爱情恐怖 erotophobia; 爱情片 love film; 爱情热 love fever; heated discussions about love in literature; 爱情小说 romance novel; love story; 爱情心理学 love psychology
        同他谈一谈:    talk with him
        生命因爱动听:    life is a miracle
        热情而无知:    zeal without knowledge is fire without light
        热情而执着:    passionate and insisted
        指心情而言:    cheery


  1. "因艾哈迈尔"英文
  2. "因艾吉沃勒泉"英文
  3. "因艾凯尔"英文
  4. "因艾赞"英文
  5. "因爱面子而损坏自己的实际利益"英文
  6. "因爱之名"英文
  7. "因爱之名义"英文
  8. "因安全理由清拆寮屋"英文
  9. "因奥而盟"英文
  10. "因奥卢"英文


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