We had better go back to the station now . 现在我们最好还是回车站吧。
He bolted down a few mouthful of food and hurried back to the workshop . 他匆匆忙忙吃了几口东西,又回车间去了。
You could transmit the a character code to the video display to generate an echo right after subtracting the a character code from a carriage return . 从“回车”字符减去A字符代码后,你便可以将A字符代码传送到荧光屏显示器,以便立即产生一个回波检验信号。
You gotta go back to the shop . tucker needs to see you 你得回车间去塔克要见你
Carriage returns and line feeds do not break the line 回车和换行符不导致换行。