回火: tempering; draw the temper; ...时效: effectiveness for a given pe ...回火时间: temper time; tempering time淬火时效: quench age hardening; quench ageing; quench aging抗火时效: fire resisting period耐火时效: frp淬火时效硬化: quench age hardening热浴淬火时效: hot-bath quench aging直接淬火时效: direct quench ageing; direct quench aging直接卒火时效: direct quench aging回火: 1.(金属的一种热处理工艺) tempering; draw the temper; drawing-back; letting down; drawing (俗称“配火”)2.(氧炔吹管等的火焰向反方向燃烧) flashback; flareback (常引起事故)◇回火爆炸 back draft; 回火处理 [工业] drawing temper; 回火脆性 temper brittleness; 回火度 degree of temper; 回火炉 tempering furnace时效: 1.(在一定时间内能起的作用)effectiveness for a given period of time2.[法律] prescription3.[冶金学] ageing; aging◇时效规则 limitation rules; 时效期限 length of limitation period; limitation period; 时效中断 interruption; interruption of prescription; 时效中止 cease to run (of limitation period); 时效终止 lapse of time淬火时间: cool time; quenching time点火时间: duration of ignition; excitation time; ignition time; ignitor firing time; moment of ignition点火时刻: ignition time断火时刻: brennschluss time发火时间: time of ignition灭火时间: attack time; flame extinction time耐火时间: fire resistance period退火时间: annealing time熄火时间: burnout time; burout time熄火时刻: brennschluss time消火时间: quenching time着火时间: ignition time氮回火: nitempering