

  • return to
  • 恢复:    resume; renew; return to
  • 回到:    recur; regain; return; revert
  • 恢复:    1.(变成原样) resume; renew; return to 恢复邦交 resume diplomatic relations; 恢复正常 return to normal; 预期很快能恢复交通。 traffic is expected to be resumed shortly.2.(使变成原样) recover; regain; recuperate; revive 恢复元气 resume one's spirits; recover energy or strength; 恢复健康 recover one's health; 恢复青春 regain youth; 恢复知觉 recover consciousness; come to; 从疲劳中恢复过来 recover from fatigue; 他的视力已恢复。 he was restored to his sight.3.(把失去的收回) restore; reinstate; rehabilitate; resurgent; resurret; reinstate sb. in; regenerate 恢复公民权 restitution of civil rights; 恢复名誉 rehabilitation (of a person's reputation); 恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty; 恢复原职务 reinstate sb. in his post; the resumption of one's duties; 这座城市终于恢复了平静。 peace was finally restored in the city.; 恢复程序 rerun routine; 恢复处理 recovery processing; 恢复法 restoring method; 恢复符 demodiflier; 恢复工作 resume work; 恢复力 recuperability; memory (指材料); restoring force; 恢复率 recovery rate; recovery ratio; restoration ratio; 恢复时间 recovery time; restoring time; retrieval time; time of recover; 恢复室 recovery room; 恢复周期 restore cycle
  • 丢回到……:    throw back to
  • 翻回到:    turn back


        恢复:    resume; renew; return to
        回到:    recur; regain; return; revert
        恢复:    1.(变成原样) resume; renew; return to 恢复邦交 resume diplomatic relations; 恢复正常 return to normal; 预期很快能恢复交通。 traffic is expected to be resumed shortly.2.(使变成原样) recover; regain; recuperate; revive 恢复元气 resume one's spirits; recover energy or strength; 恢复健康 recover one's health; 恢复青春 regain youth; 恢复知觉 recover consciousness; come to; 从疲劳中恢复过来 recover from fatigue; 他的视力已恢复。 he was restored to his sight.3.(把失去的收回) restore; reinstate; rehabilitate; resurgent; resurret; reinstate sb. in; regenerate 恢复公民权 restitution of civil rights; 恢复名誉 rehabilitation (of a person's reputation); 恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty; 恢复原职务 reinstate sb. in his post; the resumption of one's duties; 这座城市终于恢复了平静。 peace was finally restored in the city.; 恢复程序 rerun routine; 恢复处理 recovery processing; 恢复法 restoring method; 恢复符 demodiflier; 恢复工作 resume work; 恢复力 recuperability; memory (指材料); restoring force; 恢复率 recovery rate; recovery ratio; restoration ratio; 恢复时间 recovery time; restoring time; retrieval time; time of recover; 恢复室 recovery room; 恢复周期 restore cycle
        丢回到……:    throw back to
        翻回到:    turn back
        回到10:    ease to ten
        回到20:    ease to twenty
        回到阀:    reverse valve
        回到家:    be back home; get home; go back home; home-coming
        回到速:    a tempo
        回来,回到……:    get back
        重回到:    ana- up back again
        恢复知觉, 恢复:    recover from
        当我回到:    when i come back, therell be no need to clock
        翻回到,回走:    turn back
        返回到用户:    return to user
        欢迎回到:    welcome back(to)
        回到17岁:    again
        回到…的怀抱:    come into one’s arms
        回到;重新采取:    revert to
        回到本国:    home-coming
        回到本源:    ad fontes
        回到出发点:    back to square one
        回到传奇:    return of a legend
        回到船上:    joint a ship


  1. "回到"英文
  2. "回到10"英文
  3. "回到17岁"英文
  4. "回到20"英文
  5. "回到…的怀抱"英文
  6. "回到;重新采取"英文
  7. "回到埃多拉斯"英文
  8. "回到本国"英文
  9. "回到本源"英文
  10. "回到沧洲城找陈四娘"英文


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