四面: four sides; all sides; all r ...包围: encircle; surround敌人: enemy; foe侧翼包围敌人: flank the enemy全面包围: against all enemies; martial law; the siege; untitled ed zwick project向包围的敌人出击: sally out against the besiegers创造一个冰环,冰冻周围敌人并造成较少伤害: sends out a cold ring that causes little harm, but freezes the surrounding enemies包围: surround; beset; besiege; encircle; encompass 以农村包围城市 encircle the cities from the rural areas; 敌军被我们包围了。 the enemy were besieged by us.; 包围圈ring of encirclement; 包围文法 embracing grammar; 包围物 ambient 四面: (on) four sides; (on) all sides; all round 四面包围敌人 completely encircle the enemy forces; 四面都是山。 there are mountains on all sides [four sides]面包: bread 面包夹香肠 hot dog (即热狗); 面包车 coach; 面包碟 bread plate; 面包刀 bread knife; 面包房 bakery; 面包干 rusk; 面包工人 spreader; 面包柜 panetièrel; 面包糊 pap; 面包浆 panada; 面包酵母 baker's yeast; 面包皮 crusoe; 面包师 baker; baxter; 面包树 breadfruit (tree); 面包调味酱 bread sauce; 面包小麦 bread wheat; 面包用粉 bread flour; 面包渣儿 breadcrumbs; crumbs 四面体,四面形: tetrahedron包围, 环绕: encircling包围,围绕: envelop包围,围住: close in on包围;迫近: close in on包围的: encapsulated; environmental包围感: envelopment包围盒: bounding volume包围角: angle of wrap包围圈: encirclement包围绕: surround包围体: bounding volume包围物: ambient包围者: investor被包围: enclosure; be encompassed; be surrounded◇被包围状态 encompassment