On one ' s state of mind in 4 states thory of korean medicine 试论朝医四象医学中的情志观
Shen - yue ' s theory of four - tones taking shape in four - image theory in traditional culture 说本于传统文化之四象理论
In the energy level , there are 4 shapes , and the more abstract concepts , aura , chakras , etc . are included here 八卦可以解释物质世界和实体世界,而四象是能量的层次,比较抽象,它包含灵气穴道等。
Tai chi chuan is considered to be one of the internal styles of chinese martial art , and is the most widely practiced martial art in the world today 二爻相加,有四种可能的形象,称为四象。由它们各加一爻,便成八卦。
Since the correlation coefficients transformed and calculated from the business ratios of the four neo - confucian causal chains were analyzed , it is a holistic approach 本文以新儒学四象因果链条的经营比例所转成并计算的相关系数作为分析的对象,有其全面性。
四象的法语:digramme四象的韩语:[명사] 사상. (1)‘金·木·水·火’를 일컫는 말. (2)‘太阳·太阴·少阳·少阴’을 일컫는 말. (3)역괘의 네 상(象). [실상(實象)·가상(假象)·의상(義象)·용상(用象)] (4)청룡(青龍)·백호(白虎)·주작(朱雀)·현무(玄武)로써 동·서·남·북 방위를 가리킴.四象的俄语:pinyin:sìxiàng 1) четыре стихии (по древней космогонии: металл, дерево, вода, огонь) 2) четыре свойства (взаимодействия) космических сил инь и ян, рождающих эти элементы (тьма и свет, твёрдость и мягк...四象的阿拉伯语:الرموز الأربعة; 四象的印尼文:empat lambang; empat simbol; 四象什么意思: 1. 指春、夏、秋、冬四时。 体现于卦上, 则指少阳、老阳、少阴、老阴四种爻象。 ▶ 《易‧系辞上》: “太极生两仪, 两仪生四象, 四象生八卦。” ▶ 虞翻 注: “四象, 四时也。” ▶ 高亨 注: “四象, 四时也。 四时各有其象, 故谓之四象, 天地生四时, 故曰: ‘...