四: four小组: group一组: a set; a group; a piece; a b ...五: five人: human being; man; person; pe ...四个小组一组五人: four groups with five people in each一组五人: four groups with five people in each五人一组: quintete; quintuplet一组五个中之一: quintuplicate每四个一组: in fours四;四个一组: quatermary四个一组: four; quartette; quatermary; quaternary; quaternion; quaternity; tetrad四个一组的: quaternate四个小时: four hours五人小组: committee of five四个一组, 四个一套, 四元数: quaternion四个一组;四人一组;四元数;四元法: quaternion四个人或物的一组: grouof four people or things往返要四个小时it: takes four hours to go there and back. journey to and fro这个小组也和: lenny kravitz五人一组;五件一套;五重线: quintete具有四个小叶的叶子: leaf with four leaflets四个: shiko; tetrad; the four horsemen把大家分成几个小组: divide all the people into smaller groups四个一组;四气缸发动机;四岁;四点钟;四: four