- 族: clan
- 嘎: 嘎象声词(形容短促而响亮的声音) crack; snap; creak; quack 门的折叶需要上油了, 每次开时, 它都发出嘎嘎的声音。 the hinge of the gate needs oiling; it creaks every time it's opened. 司机刹了车, 车子嘎地一声停了下来。 the driver applied his brakes and the car screeched to a standstill.
- 噶翼: dsungaripterus
- 嘎巴: 象声词(树枝等折断声) crack; snap 嘎巴一声把小树枝折断 break off a twig with a snap
- 嘎巴勒音敖如: gablin nuru