

[ jìnshēng ] 发音:   "噤声"的汉语解释   用"噤声"造句
  • allshutmix
  • 噤声令:    loose lips
  • 噤若寒蝉:    keep silent like a cicada in cold weather; be as quiet [silent] as cicadas in late autumn; be as silent as a cold cicada; be as silent as a winter cicada; become silent as an autumn cicada; be reduced to silence; dead silent; hold one's tongue; keep mum about; keep one's mouth shut; keep quiet out of fear; maintain a discreet silence; (as) mute as a mouse [a fish; a stone; a statue]: 他的话完了, 他的几个支持者拼命地鼓掌, 而更多的人却噤若寒蝉, 面面相觑。 as soon as he finished, his supporters applauded vigorously, but most of the masses were taken aback and exchanged doubtful glances
  • :    噱名词[书面语] (大笑) loud laughter 可发一噱 make one laugh out loud
  • 噤口痧:    aphasic eruptions
  • 噱头:    [方言]1.(引人发笑的话或举动) words to amuse; act meant to excite laughter; gimmick 卖弄噱头 play to the gallery2.(花招) tricks meant to deceive; gimmick 不要摆噱头! none of your tricks


  1. Unlike the serpent, whose imagination had acted through his traditions until he was ready to perceive an artificial in a natural stillness .
  2. The teacher withered the noisy student with a glance
  3. Lonley doubted that the others really cared for the story , but nobody dared to utter a word


        噤声令:    loose lips
        噤若寒蝉:    keep silent like a cicada in cold weather; be as quiet [silent] as cicadas in late autumn; be as silent as a cold cicada; be as silent as a winter cicada; become silent as an autumn cicada; be reduced to silence; dead silent; hold one's tongue; keep mum about; keep one's mouth shut; keep quiet out of fear; maintain a discreet silence; (as) mute as a mouse [a fish; a stone; a statue]: 他的话完了, 他的几个支持者拼命地鼓掌, 而更多的人却噤若寒蝉, 面面相觑。 as soon as he finished, his supporters applauded vigorously, but most of the masses were taken aback and exchanged doubtful glances
        :    噱名词[书面语] (大笑) loud laughter 可发一噱 make one laugh out loud
        噤口痧:    aphasic eruptions
        噱头:    [方言]1.(引人发笑的话或举动) words to amuse; act meant to excite laughter; gimmick 卖弄噱头 play to the gallery2.(花招) tricks meant to deceive; gimmick 不要摆噱头! none of your tricks
        噤口痢:    dysentery with inability to take food; dysentery with vomiting; fasting dysentery
        噱头;掉包袱:    gimmick, stunt
        噤口不言:    be tongue-tied
        噱头大王:    school for scoundrels; the better man
        噤口:    shut one's mouth shiver


        噤声的日语:jin4sheng1 声を出さない
        噤声的韩语:[동사] 소리를 내지 않다. 전혀 입을 열지 않다.
        噤声的俄语:pinyin:jìnshēng новокит. закрыть рот, молчать; держать язык за зубами
        噤声什么意思:  1.  闭口, 不作声。 多作制止发声之辞。    ▶ 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第三摺: “他倒不如你?噤声!”    ▶ 《警世通言‧赵太祖千里送京娘》: “公子慌忙跨进门内, 与婆婆作揖……婆婆捻神捻鬼的叫噤声。”    ▶ 李劼人 《天魔舞》第一章: “人们都要丢些石头土块去勒令它噤声。...


  1. "噤口"英文
  2. "噤口不言"英文
  3. "噤口痢"英文
  4. "噤口痧"英文
  5. "噤若寒蝉"英文
  6. "噤声令"英文
  7. "噱"英文
  8. "噱头"英文
  9. "噱头;掉包袱"英文
  10. "噱头大王"英文


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