

发音:   "嘱"的汉语解释   用"嘱"造句
  • 动词
    (嘱咐; 嘱托) enjoin; advise; urge; entrust 短语和例子
  • 嘱彼佳人:    tell her to make me a cambric shirt; tell her to reait with a sickle of leather
  • 瞩望已久:    look long and steadily upon
  • 嘱彼隹人:    tell her to make me a cambric shirt; tell her to reait with a sickle of leather
  • 瞩望:    1.(期待) look forward to 瞩望已久 have been eagerly looking forward to it for a long time2.(注视) gaze at; look long and steadily upon
  • 嘱冲:    master pulse


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. A . ask client to remove hearing aid and close eyes
  2. In sleep the wet sign calls her hour , bids her rise
  3. He asked his nephew to execute his will
  4. The doctor told him to give up smoking , which advice he took
  5. Father told me to cable when i arrived


        嘱彼佳人:    tell her to make me a cambric shirt; tell her to reait with a sickle of leather
        瞩望已久:    look long and steadily upon
        嘱彼隹人:    tell her to make me a cambric shirt; tell her to reait with a sickle of leather
        瞩望:    1.(期待) look forward to 瞩望已久 have been eagerly looking forward to it for a long time2.(注视) gaze at; look long and steadily upon
        嘱冲:    master pulse
        瞩目者之咬:    a gazer bite
        嘱咐:    enjoin; tell; exhort; charge (a person) with a task; instruct; bid 嘱咐他保守秘密 enjoin him to secrecy; 嘱咐她卧床几天 ordering her to stay in bed for a couple of days; 临终嘱咐 death-bed injunction; 嘱咐某人做某事 exhort sb. to do sth.; 再三嘱咐 exhort again and again; din sth. into sb
        瞩目者之盾:    a gazer shield
        嘱咐, 命令:    enjoin on
        瞩目 日法合拍:    oban star racers


        嘱的法语:动 enjoindre de;conseiller;recommander;exhorter
        嘱的日语:言いつける.頼む. 叮 dīng 嘱/くれぐれも言い聞かせる. 遗 yí 嘱/遺言. 【熟語】医嘱
        嘱的韩语:[동사] 분부하다. 부탁하다. 당부하다. 의뢰하다. 再三叮dīng嘱; 재삼 부탁하다 遗yì嘱; 유언(하다)
        嘱的俄语:[zhǔ] тк. в соч.; = 嘱
        嘱的阿拉伯语:تسول; رجا; رَجا; يلتمس;
        嘱的印尼文:memohon; minta-minta; mohon;
        嘱什么意思:(囑) zhǔ ㄓㄨˇ 1)托付,告诫:遗~(人死前托付的话)。医~。叮~。~咐。~托。~告。千叮万~。 ·参考词汇: enjoin urge 医嘱 遗嘱 买上嘱下 买嘱 千叮万嘱 叮嘱 至嘱 嘱托 嘱告 嘱咐


  1. "瞩目 日法合拍"英文
  2. "瞩目者之盾"英文
  3. "瞩目者之咬"英文
  4. "瞩望"英文
  5. "瞩望已久"英文
  6. "嘱彼佳人"英文
  7. "嘱彼隹人"英文
  8. "嘱冲"英文
  9. "嘱咐"英文
  10. "嘱咐, 命令"英文


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