嘎巴: form into a crust; crust一: one声: sound; voice把: grip; handle小: small; little; petty; minor树枝: branch; twig; bough; ramet; ...折断: break off; rive; wreckage当树枝折断时: when the bough breaks小树枝: spray; sprig; stick; twig小树枝,小花枝: spray (l02)小树枝多的: spriggy小树枝花纹: sprig折断树枝: snap off a twing剪落之小树枝: topping用小树枝装饰: sprig枝折: branch breakage小树枝状相思树: slim wirilda acacia嘎巴: 象声词(树枝等折断声) crack; snap 嘎巴一声把小树枝折断 break off a twig with a snap把小树根部四周的泥土踩实: tread down the earth round the root of the small tree mat down小树: sapling; arboret; treelet; treeling; staddle; [英国] timbeling 小树要砍, 小孩要管。 a sapling needs pruning, a child discipline一声: fenqi树枝: branch; twig; bough; ramet; prong 从树上折树枝 break a branch from a tree; 那猴子在树枝间跳来跳去。 the monkey leaps from branch to branch极小树, 最小树: minimal tree枝折花落: zh sh嘎巴伦吉: gabberlunzie (scotlan