嗜: have a liking for; be addict ...尸: corpse; dead body; remains魔鬼, 邪神, 能手, 成癖者: fiend成癖: get in the way; get on; get out/into有癖者: enthusiasm liking or desire for something豪华成癖: be addicted to extravagance; love extravagance好洁成癖: excessive fondness for cleanliness嗜酒成癖: be given to drink嗜左成癖: be seriously left-minded [handed]嗜痂成癖: have an addiction for drugs etc.; an uncommonly low taste注射毒成癖: on the needle盗窃癖者: kleptomaniac谎言癖者: impostor窥阴癖者: voyeurism恋尸癖者: necrophile恋物癖者: fetishist裸露癖者: exhibitionist生食癖者: omophagist食土癖者: earth eater; earth-eater; geophagist嗜粪癖者: coprophiliac嗜兽癖者: zoophile嗜耄癖者: gerontophilia撕书癖者: biblioclast偷窃癖者: kleptomaniac咬指甲癖者: onychophagist