He rises above this level in the rich comedy of lena grove's pilgrimage . 他在描写富于喜剧性的莉娜格罗夫的一生时,又超出了这一界限。
A married philosopher is necessarily comic 已婚的哲学家必然是喜剧性的。
He rises above this level in the rich comedy of lena grove ' s pilgrimage 他在描写富于喜剧性的莉娜?格罗夫的一生时,又超出了这一界限。
Through describing the comedies love imbroglio between the ex - serviceman manchang and the rural girl lan ying , the film cruticizes the thought of some of the rural youths who can ' t be content with the farming working 通过复员军人满仓和农村少女兰英喜剧性的恋爱纠缠,批判农村青年中不安于农业劳动的思想。
This made it more difficult to put mickey into comic situations and he came more and more to act in the role of a straight man , and the proper little gentle mouse we know him to be 这种公众的意见使制作室很难把米老鼠放进喜剧性的情节中,于是,米老鼠便越来越进入了一个正直的人物角色,成为我们所熟悉的小绅士老鼠。