善意: goodwill; good intentions; s ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...过失: fault; slip; error; miscondu ...疏忽大意的过失: careless and inadvertent negligence; careless negligence善意的: a white lie; well-meaning善意过失: error by good faith出于善意的: well-intentioned出自善意的: well-meant善意的, 慈善的: benevolent善意的背叛: goda viljan, den; return of swamthing,the; the best intentions善意的谎言: a white lie; jakob le menteur; jakob the liar; vita lqgner; white lie善意的批评: well meaning criticism善意的欺骗: no.pious fraud善意的谴责: reprove善意的疏忽: benign neglect善意的提议: act 1 akindoffer善意的误报: false alarm with good intent善意的赞美: act 2 a kind compliment抽象的过失: culpa in abstraco具体的过失: culpa in concreto人的过失: human negligence隐藏的过失: hidden fault自身的过失: negligence per se作为的过失: culpainfaciendo不作为的过失: culpai onfaciendo