I knew we should be kind to the animals 我知道了我们应该善待动物。
10 local college students saw what they did , and they knelt to ask them to be nice to animals 当地10名大学生在亲眼目睹了商贩的可耻行径后,当众下跪请求善待动物。
When you thought i wasn ' t looking , you fed a stray cat , and i thought it was good to be kind to animals 你以为你喂一只迷路的猫时,我没有看在眼里。其实我还记在心里,知道了要善待动物。
The offices of peta people for the ethical treatment of animals in england , germany , holland and the united states will plant english rosebushes as a tribute to diana 位于英国德国荷兰和美国等地的peta善待动物组织的办公室,将种植英国玫瑰花丛来纪念戴安娜王妃。
善: good待: treat; deal with动物: animal善待动物协会: peta善待动物组织: people for the ethical treatment of animals; peta虐待动物: animals, cruelty to; cruelty to animals; torture of animals虐待动物罪: animal cruelty防止虐待动物协会: society for the prevention of cruelty to animals仁慈地对待动物: treat animals with humanity人道对待动物协会: people for the ethical treatment of animals看到虐待动物而极为厌恶: filled with nausea at the sight of cruelty to animals美国防止虐待动物协会: aspca欧洲阻止虐待动物联盟: eumt; european union for the prevention of cruelty to animals在英国虐待动物要受严厉惩罚: cruelty to animals is severely punished in england善待,宠爱: caress待动开关: cocked switch善待彼此: first do no harm善待孩子们: be good with children善待机会: opportunity善待他人: humanity to others善待自己: how to be happier day by day善待自然: pro natura动物: animal; zoon (pl. zoa); beast 反刍动物 ruminant; 环节动物 annelid; annelida; 节肢动物 arthropod; 棘皮动物 echinoderm; 脊椎动物 vertebrate; 脊索动物 chordate; 寄生动物 parasitic animal; 冷血动物 cold-blooded animal; 两栖动物 amphibian; 灵长动物 primate; 卵生动物 oviparous animal; 爬行动物 reptile; 啮齿动物 rodent; 哺乳动物 mammal; 腔肠动物 coelenterate; 软体动物 mollusk; 蠕形动物 verme; 食草动物 herbivorous animal; 食肉动物 carnivore; 胎生动物 viviparous animal; 无脊椎动物 invertebrate; 有蹄动物 ungulate; 原生动物 protozoa; 甲壳动物 crustacean; 动物爱护者 zoophilist; 动物保护色 protective coloration; 动物标本剥制术 taxidermy; 动物病理学 zoopathology; 动物崇拜 zoolatry; 动物传染病 zoonosis (pl. zoonoses); 动物带 animal zone; 动物分类学 zootaxy; 动物解剖学 zootomy; veterinary anatomy; 动物圈 [生态学] zoosphere; 动物社会学 animal sociology; 动物饲养员 zooman; 动物习性学 animal ethology; 动物喜爱癖 zoophilism; 动物细胞 zooblast; 动物心理学 animal psychology; 动物行为 animal behavior; 动物志 fauna善待环境的投入: environmentally friendly inputs善待我们的地球: treat our earth in a friendly way don’t fool around with mother nature