商务: commercial affairs; business ...教育学: pedagogy; pedagogics; educat ...士: bachelor a social stratum in ...商务教育: business education教育学士: bachelor of education b.ed. b.e教育学学士: b.ed. ; ed.b; bachelor of education; bachelor of science in education; b.s.ed初级教育学士: baee || bachelor of elementary education教育学理学士: bachelor of science in education b.s.ed. b.s.e教育学文学士: bachelor of arts in education b.a.ed. b.a.e卫生教育学士: bachelor of health education小学教育学士: bachelor of elementary education音乐教育学士: bachelor of music education b.m.ed. b.m.e宗教教育学士: bre || bachelor of religious education护理教育学学士: bachelor of science in nursing education教育学士学位证书: m.a教育学学士学位: bachelor of education学士后教育学分班: postgraduate teacher education program有教育学士学位: have/be a b ed职业教育学学士: bachelor of science in occupational education中等教育学学士: bachelor of secondary education教育学主修学龄前和基础教育学士: bachelor of education major in kinder-primary education体育及卫生教育学士: bachelor of physical and health education非义务教育: non-compulsory education公务教育: public service education义务教育: compulsory education; free education; cumpulsory education; voluntary education