This shows that chinese users imported this batch of equipment purely for commercial profit 这说明,中国用户进口这批设备的目的,纯粹是为了商业利润。
It may therefore be no coincidence that in the past two years the guards ' commercial interests have prospered 因此,在过去的两年里,革命护卫军的商业利润突飞猛增可能并非偶然。
Arguments that the rise in the business tax burden reflects the strong growth in profits in australia are flawed 有人认为提高商业税负可以大大提升澳大利亚的商业利润,这一说法有失偏颇。
Arguments that the rise in the business tax burden reflects the strong growth in profits in australia are flawed 有人认为提高商业税负反映了澳大利亚的商业利润提升迅猛,这一说法有失偏颇。
But his visionary predictions have not always led to commercial success , as in the case of the touch - screen tablet computer 但并不是每一次盖茨的梦幻预测都能转换成商业利润,就比如他的触控平板电脑设想,就没有获得成功。
商业利润税: cbt acommercial benefit tax产业利润: industrial profit非营业利润: non-operating profit; unearned profit副业利润: ancillary profit附业利润: ancillary profit农业利润: agricultural profit企业利润: enterprise profit; profit of enterprise企业利润率: earning ratio行业利润率: industry profitability营业利润: business profit; income from operations (operating income); opening profit; operating profit(loss); operating profits; operation profit; profit from operating; profit from operation; profit of trade; profit on operation; trading profit营业利润, 毛利: trading profit营业利润税: busine profit tax; business profit tax职业利润: professional profit具商业利益: commercially viable商业利益: commercial profit商业利用: commercial exploitation企业利润调整: adjusting company profits企业利润分析: analysis of business profits企业利润留成: enterprise profit partly reserved企业利润收入: portion of the profits kept by the enterprises企业利润提取: enterprise profit drawing非营业利润 分外利润: unearnedprofit分外利润;非营业利润: unearned profit份外利润, 非营业利润: unearned profit商业历史评论: business history review商业理事会: business council