唯物论: materialism的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...反映论: theory of reflection唯物论的: materialistic反映论: [哲学] theory of reflection 唯物论的反映论 the materialist theory of reflection唯物论: [哲学] materialism 唯物论的反映论 materialist theory of reflection; 机械唯物论 mechanical materialism辩证唯物论: dialectical materialism超唯物论者: metamaterialist非唯物论: immaterialism机械唯物论: mechanical materialism军事唯物论: military materialism素朴唯物论: naive materialism唯物论者: physicist文化唯物论: cultural materialism形而上学唯物论, 机械唯物论: metaphysical materialism【哲学】朴素唯物论。: naive materialism认识的唯物论: epistemological materialism反映论与认识分析: theory of reflection and cognitive analysis对…的反映: reaction to; reference to金眼的反映: reflections in a golden eye时代的反映: mirror of the times意识的反映: conscious reflection文字上的反映: reflection of western and chinese cultural differences in the languages无意识的反映: unconscious reflection唯心论和唯物论是对立的: idealism is opposite to materialism