Synthesis and biological activities of - triazole - acetone semithiocarbazone 三唑基取代酮缩氨基硫脲类化合物的合成及生物活性
The nanometer particles of o - azo with diameters in the range of 40 - 60 nm and carbon nanotubes ( cnts ) immobilized by nanoscale o - azo are successfully obtained by modified liquid phase direct precipitation ( lpdp ) 通过改进的液相直接沉淀法成功制备了粒径在40 60nm的?唑基偶氮微粒,并将?唑基偶氮纳米材料与碳纳米管复合,制备了偶氮碳纳米管纳米复合材料体系。
1 . two kinds of azo pigments with excellent photosensitivity , named as flurenone bisazo ( f - azo ) and oxazole bisazo ( o - azo ) , are synthesized . the preparation of organic photoconductive blended materials and their photoconductivity in single - layered photoreceptors made from f - azo / titanium oxide phthalocyanine ( tiopc ) composite and o - azo / tiopc , respectively , are investigated 合成了芴酮基偶氮( f - azo )与?唑基偶氮( o - azo )两种光敏性优良的偶氮化合物,并以此制备了芴酮基偶氮酞菁氧钛和?唑基偶氮酞菁氧钛复合光电导材料体系及其单层光电导体。
The free - phosphine carbene ruthenium complex [ 1 , 3 - bis ( 2 , 6 - dimethylphenyl ) - 2 - tetrahydroimidazol [ ( c5h5n ) 2 ( cl ) 2ru = chph ( 8 ) was prepared by the reaction of [ 1 , 3 - bis ( 2 , 6 - dimethylphenyl ) - 2 - tetrahydroimidazol ] ( pph3 ) ( cl ) 2ru = chph ( 7 ) with pyridine and used as a highly effective catalyst for the cross metathesis of acrylonitrile with allylbenzene 摘要设计了由1 , 3 -二( 2 , 6 -二甲基苯基) 2 -四氢咪唑基苯亚甲基三苯基膦二氯合钌( 7 )和吡啶反应生成无膦型金属钌卡宾化合物1 , 3 -二( 2 , 6 -二甲苯基) 2 -四氢咪唑基苯亚甲基2 -吡啶基二氯合钌( 8 ) , 8作为高效催化剂用于丙烯腈和烯丙基苯的交叉交互置换反应。