唐朝: the Tang Dynasty是: Semantics中国: China; Sino-古诗: a form of pre-Tang poetry an ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...极盛时期: heyday; zenith; acme在古埃及文明的极盛时期: the height of ancient egyptian civilization在他精力的极盛时期: in his prime of life极盛时期: heyday; zenith; acme 在古埃及文明的极盛时期 at the height of ancient egyptian civilization; 在他精力的极盛时期 in his prime of life; 唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。 the tang dynasty was the golden age of classical chinese poetry中国古诗: ancient poetry极盛时序: geosere鼎盛时期: a period of great prosperity; at the height of power and splendour; heyday全盛时期: floruit; in full bloom; noon; palmy days; pinnacle; prime n. the time of greatest perfection, strength or activity兴盛时期: florescence; silver age在鼎盛时期: during its heyday处于全盛时期: in the pride of全盛时期,青春期: heyday全盛时期已过: one's sun is set主要的,全盛时期: prime全盛时期,顶峰时期: hayday题诗求对是中国古人交友择偶的一种方式。: inscribing a poem or matching an antithetical couplet was a means for one to select a friend or a spouse in ancient china全是中国的: everything is chinese我是中国人: i am a chinese; i am chinese; je suis chinois过了他的鼎盛时期: past his best商业最旺盛时期: high change