唇: lip红: red缘: reason移植: transplant术: art; skill; technique唇红缘: vermilion border of lip; vermilion-border唇红缘皮肤: skin of vermilion border上唇红缘: vermilion border of upper lip下唇红缘: vermilion border of lower lip唇红缘皮下组织: subcutaneous tissue of vermilion border移植术: grafting; transplantation尺骨移植术: grafting of bone of ulna唇移植术: graft of lip动脉移植术: arterial grafting; arterial transplantation动物-人移植术: animal-human transplantation鹅足移植术: pes anserinus transplantation耳廓移植术: grafting of auricle of ear肺移植术: lung transplantation复合移植术: composite graft肝移植术: ldlt肝脏移植术: hepatic transplantation骨髓移植术: bone marrow transplantation; transplantation bone marrow; transplantation of bone marrow骨移植术: bone transplantation; bone―patella tendon―bone graft股骨移植术: bone graft of femur喉移植术: laryngeal transplantation