

发音:   用"哺乳困难"造句
  • dysilthia
  • dystithia
  • 哺乳:    feed a baby at the breast; b ...
  • 困难:    difficulty; difficult; hard; ...
  • 哺乳:    feed a baby at the breast; breast-feed; suckle; nurse◇哺乳纲 mammalia; 哺乳困难 dystithia; 哺乳类性 mammality; 哺乳瓶 nursing-bottle; 哺乳期 lactation period; 哺乳器 feeding bottle; 哺乳室 nursing room; 哺乳仔畜 suckling; 哺乳仔猪 suckling pig
  • 困难:    1.(事情复杂,阻碍多) difficulty; difficult; hard; bump; rub 说话困难 be difficult to talk; 困难的工作 difficult work; hard work; 困难留给自己, 方便让给别人 difficulties for oneself but conveniences for others; 你听懂英语有困难吗? do you have [find] any difficulty in understanding spoken english?2.(生活穷困) financial difficulties; straitened circumstances 生活困难 live in straitened circumstances; 困难户 families with material difficulties
  • 哺乳病:    nursing sickness


  1. A clinical analysis of 38 cases of intrauterine devices combined with ectopic pregnancy
  2. It was referred to possible breastfeeding difficulties , speech problem , malocclusion and gingival recession


        哺乳:    feed a baby at the breast; b ...
        困难:    difficulty; difficult; hard; ...
        哺乳:    feed a baby at the breast; breast-feed; suckle; nurse◇哺乳纲 mammalia; 哺乳困难 dystithia; 哺乳类性 mammality; 哺乳瓶 nursing-bottle; 哺乳期 lactation period; 哺乳器 feeding bottle; 哺乳室 nursing room; 哺乳仔畜 suckling; 哺乳仔猪 suckling pig
        困难:    1.(事情复杂,阻碍多) difficulty; difficult; hard; bump; rub 说话困难 be difficult to talk; 困难的工作 difficult work; hard work; 困难留给自己, 方便让给别人 difficulties for oneself but conveniences for others; 你听懂英语有困难吗? do you have [find] any difficulty in understanding spoken english?2.(生活穷困) financial difficulties; straitened circumstances 生活困难 live in straitened circumstances; 困难户 families with material difficulties
        哺乳病:    nursing sickness
        哺乳的:    lactational
        哺乳纲:    mammalia; mammals
        哺乳类:    mammalia; mammals
        哺乳量:    value for feeding
        哺乳瓶:    feeding bottle; nursing bottle; nursing-bottle
        哺乳期:    age of sucking; breast feeding period; lactation; suckling period
        哺乳器:    feeding bottle; mechanical cow; sucking bottle
        哺乳室:    nursery room; nursing room
        哺乳羊:    sock lamb; sucking lamb
        泌乳,哺乳:    lactation
        喂奶;哺乳:    suckle
        哺乳动物,哺乳动物的:    mammalian
        哎呀呀,去哺乳:    feeding.boys.ayaya
        哺乳次数:    nursing time a day
        哺乳的母羊:    chilver
        哺乳的婴孩:    a baby at the breast
        哺乳动物:    mammal; mammality; mammalian 海洋哺乳动物 marine mammal; 鲸是一种哺乳动物。 a whale is a kind of mammal.; 哺乳动物毒害 mammalian toxicity; 哺乳动物纲 mammalia; 哺乳动物时代 age of mammals; 哺乳动物学 mammalogy; therology
        哺乳动物的:    mammalian
        哺乳动物纲:    class mammalia; mammalia
        哺乳动物类:    mammalia



  1. "哺乳纲"英文
  2. "哺乳纲毒性"英文
  3. "哺乳纲食虫目"英文
  4. "哺乳后期的乳, 末期乳"英文
  5. "哺乳后乳房复旧不全"英文
  6. "哺乳类"英文
  7. "哺乳类比翼属"英文
  8. "哺乳类的"英文
  9. "哺乳类动物"英文
  10. "哺乳类全传"英文


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