- dysilthia
- dystithia
- 哺乳: feed a baby at the breast; b ...
- 困难: difficulty; difficult; hard; ...
- 哺乳: feed a baby at the breast; breast-feed; suckle; nurse◇哺乳纲 mammalia; 哺乳困难 dystithia; 哺乳类性 mammality; 哺乳瓶 nursing-bottle; 哺乳期 lactation period; 哺乳器 feeding bottle; 哺乳室 nursing room; 哺乳仔畜 suckling; 哺乳仔猪 suckling pig
- 困难: 1.(事情复杂,阻碍多) difficulty; difficult; hard; bump; rub 说话困难 be difficult to talk; 困难的工作 difficult work; hard work; 困难留给自己, 方便让给别人 difficulties for oneself but conveniences for others; 你听懂英语有困难吗? do you have [find] any difficulty in understanding spoken english?2.(生活穷困) financial difficulties; straitened circumstances 生活困难 live in straitened circumstances; 困难户 families with material difficulties
- 哺乳病: nursing sickness