响亮: loud and clear; resounding; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...男中音: baritone男中音: [音乐] baritone高男中音: countertenor男中音歌手: baritone; barytone男中音号: baritone horn上低音,男中音: baritone响亮的: canorous; clangorous; clarion; resounding; ringing; sonorous男中音独唱曲: a baritone aria极响亮的: fortissimo清澈响亮的: clarion声音响亮的: fullmouthed响亮的回答: unequivocal reply极响亮的,强烈的: resounding漂亮的男孩: pretty boy漂亮的男子: a goodly man唱好男中音经典作品: singing halbtenor classic songs喇叭的响亮的声音: the brazen notes of a trumpet响亮的声音, 振铃声: ringing voice一记响亮的耳光: a ringing slap on the face一阵响亮的鼓掌声: a peal of applause音调优美的,响亮的: canorous噢漂亮的男孩: oh pretty boy响亮的或尖锐的嗓音: a throat of brass