哈: blow one's breath; breathe o ...特: particular; special; excepti ...福: blessing; happiness; good lu ...德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...大学: college; university赫特福德大学: university of hert fordshire; university of hertfordshire德蒙特福德大学: de mont fort university; de montfort university英国赫特福德大学: university of hertfordshire阿哈特福德: asa hartford东哈特福德: east hartford哈特福德: harford; hartford, connecticut哈特福德城: hartford city哈特福德县: hartford county, connecticut西哈特福德: west hartford新哈特福德: new hartford萨福德大学: salford university; the university of salford桑福德大学: samford university哈特福大学: hartford university布拉福德大学: bradfort university德蒙福德大学: de montford university萨尔福德大学: salford university; university of salford索尔福德大学: salford university; university of sal ford; university of salford大哈特福德公开赛: greater hartford open哈特福德 (康狄格州): hartford county, connecticut哈特福德保险集团: hartford insurance group