Although many men would tell you they ' re always in the mood , havlieek and colleagues discovered that men find odors during the follicular phase the most attractive and least intense 哈夫利切克和他的同事发现,女性在处于卵泡期时,身上散发出来的体味最淡,但也最让人着迷。
" we were interested whether armpit odor changes across menstrual cycle , " said study author jan havlieek of the department of anthropology at charles university , prague 扬哈夫利切克是这项研究的参与者之一,他说: “我们对女性的体味是否会在月经周期中发生改变这个问题很感兴趣。
" traditionally it ' s believed that ovulation in human female is concealed and there are no changes in attractiveness across the cycle , " havlieek said . the study is detailed in the january issue of the journal ethology 对此,哈夫利切克说: “人们通常认为,人类妇女的排卵作用是很隐蔽的同时,女性对男性的吸引力也不会在月经周期的不同阶段里有什么变化。 ”
But those investigationsused t - shirts for odor sampling , " making it difficult to pinpoint the source of the smell , " said havlieek , whose team restricted sampling to armpits only . finally , the attractiveness of women ' s faces also changes during the month 但哈夫利切克表示,那些从t恤衫上取得气味样本的研究“让人们难以查明气味的真正来源” ,而他们所进行的研究则限制只在人的腋窝处提取气味样本。
The scent of a woman is more attractive at certain times of the month , suggests a new study that had men sniffing women ' s armpit odor . " we were interested whether armpit odor changes across menstrual cycle , " said study author jan havlieek of the department of anthropology at charles university , prague 据“生活科学网”日前报道,捷克首都布拉格查尔斯大学的人类学专家扬哈夫利切克是这项研究的参与者之一,他说: “我们对女性的体味是否会在月经周期中发生改变这个问题很感兴趣。