品: article; product他: he疹: rash品他病: azul; boussarole; caraate; carate; cute; mal de los pintos; mal del pinto; painted sickness; pinta; pinto品他热: pinta fever类品他病: cativi; pinta偏身品他病: hemipinta品他病白斑: vitiligo of pinta品他病红斑: erythematous plaques of pinta品他病初期丘疹: primary papule of pinta品他病角化过度: hyperkeratosis of pinta品他病密螺旋体: treponema carateum品他病浓染性病损: hyperchromic lesions of pinta品他病心血管病损: cardiovascular lesions of pinta品他病变色性皮肤病损: dyschromic skin lesions of pinta品他病无色性皮肤病损: achromic skin lesions of pinta品他病瘢痕性皮肤病损: cicatricial skin lesions of pinta品他病无色性和浓染性皮肤病损: achromic and hyperchromic skin lesions of pinta品塔多: el pintado品泰实业有限公司: pintide industrial co., ltd品特: harold pinter; pinter品特的剧作中的一场: a scene out of a play by pinter品题: [书面语] appraise (a person)