哀: sorrow; grief; mourning川: river; stream翔: circle in the air哀川: aikawa riyo香川翔: chuanxiang xiang中川翔子: nakagawa syoko; shōko nakagawa哀辞: lament哀悼: grieve [mourn] over sb.'s death; lament sb.'s death 向死者家属表示深切的哀悼 express one's heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased; 哀悼亡友 mourn a deceased friend; 我们哀悼他的逝世。 we lament (over) his death哀愁航空战: airport in termezzo哀悼@心灰@苦怨之: usambi哀愁的: plaintive; sorrowful哀悼的: threnetical; wailful哀愁: sad; sorrowful哀悼歌: dirge; epicedium哀唱草: singing_plant