和: mix; blend我: I; my; me一起: in the same place坐在沙发上: sit in a sofa坐在沙发上: sit in a sofa; sit on the sofa请你坐在沙发上: and sit you down on the couch躺在沙发上: stay on sofa在沙发上: on the sofa斜躺在沙发上: recline on a sofa和我一起为: to join me in a toast to懒洋洋地躺在沙发上: lounge on a sofa全身伸直躺在沙发上: lying full length on the sofa和我一起呼吸: brethe on me和我一起闪烁: and blaze with me和我一起摇摆: rock me舒适地稳坐在单座沙发上: comfortably ensconced in a big armchair和我一起分享生命: who'd share this life with me和我一起去游泳: go swimming with me来和我一起散步吧: come take a walk with me来和我一起玩游戏: come on and join in the game你和我一起听着: you and i listened to现在和我一起唱: now sing this with me现在和我一起歌唱: now sing this with me看见我在沙发上和别人甜蜜(不是我): saw me bangin' on the sofa (it wasn't me)舒服地斜倚在沙发上看电视: recline comfortably on a sofa watching tv program