



        呼叫:    call out; shout
        始发呼叫受阻:    originating call barred
        始发呼叫受控:    originating call denial
        来话呼叫阻塞,呼入受阻:    incoming call barred
        受阻:    frustration; lie to; retardation
        键受阻:    bond hindrance
        受阻胺:    hindered amine
        受阻船:    hamperred vessel
        受阻的:    checked
        受阻酚:    fortified phenol; hindered phenol
        受阻码:    barred code
        未受阻:    undeterred
        呼叫:    1.(呼喊) call out; shout 高声呼叫 call out with a loud voice; 他大声呼叫他的妻子。 he called out for his wife.2.[讯] (电台上用呼号叫对方) call; ring; 呼叫表 calling list; 呼叫插塞 calling plug; 呼叫次数 number of calls; 呼叫灯 assignment lamp; calling lamp; 呼叫电路电键 call circuit key; 呼叫吊牌 calling drop; 呼叫号码 call number; 呼叫键 assignment key; ringing key; 呼叫局 calling station; 呼叫铃 call bell; 呼叫塞孔 calling jack; 呼叫声 ring tone; 呼叫通话两用键 talk-ringing key; 呼叫信号 calling code; call sign; ringing tone; calling signal; 呼叫者[用户] calling party
        不受阻碍:    in the clear
        不受阻碍的:    uncrossed; unhindered
        不受阻的:    unobstructed
        不受阻挠的:    uncrossed
        不受阻通过:    unimpeded passage through
        沉降受阻:    hindered settling
        成熟受阻:    anacmesis; anakmesis arrest of maturation; arrest of maturation
        发育受阻:    impaired development; inhibited growth
        发展受阻:    arrested development
        航程受阻:    frustration of the insured voyage
        航次受阻:    frustration of voyage
        呼出受阻:    outgoing call barred


  1. "呼叫识别行"英文
  2. "呼叫事件码"英文
  3. "呼叫释放"英文
  4. "呼叫释放的请求"英文
  5. "呼叫释放时间"英文
  6. "呼叫树形图"英文
  7. "呼叫树状图"英文
  8. "呼叫数据保存法"英文
  9. "呼叫数据记录"英文
  10. "呼叫数据类型"英文


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