早上: morning周一早晨: lundi martin; lundi matin; monday morning一早上都在忙: have been busy at work this morning在星期一早上: on monday morning一早上都在忙事情: have been busy at work this morning一早: [口语] early in the morning 我明天一早就去上学。 i'll go to school tomorrow morning周一: monday星期一早上的四分卫 放马后炮者: monday morning quarterback一早上都在为社区中心的项目忙: have been busy at work this morning on the community-center project早上: (early) morning日周一: pop zone下周一: next monday; oct-29在周一: on monday周一病: monday-morning disease周一峰: zhou yifeng周一鹤: zhou yihe周一华: carmen chang周一郎: moriyama syuichiro; shuichiro周一平: zhou yiping周一围: yiwei zhou周一岳: york chow星期一早晨: il mattino del lunedi; mattino del lunedi il; monday morning活动,早上: in the morning在早上: in the morning早上好: good moming you; good morning to you; goodmorning to you