From the local rules and regulations of lantian to those of chenggong 从蓝田乡约到呈贡乡约
Kunming is in the central part of yunnan province , the total area is 21 , 600 square kilometers ; it governs five areas which are panlong , wuhua , guandu , xishan and dongchuan , anning city and eight countries that are chenggong , jinning , fumin , yiliang , gaoming , shilin , luquan and xundian 昆明地处云南省中部,总面积2 . 16万平方千米,辖盘五华官渡西山东川五区和安宁市以及呈贡晋宁富民宜良高明石林禄劝寻甸八个县。
Various seasonal delicacy fruit , the species are numerous , all the year round continuously , streets of kunming often the years all have the supply . the famous fruit have : the ivory fruit of jinggu , pineapple of xinping , yuanyang , yuanjiang and lujiang , zhiama banana , tiaobao banana and aijiao bananb of honghe , yuxi , simao , dehong , the baozhu pear of chenggong , the green apple of zhaotong , the yellow peach of the suburban area of kunming , taoli and huize of kunming and luliang , receive from of pomegranate , the jackfruit of the river valley district etc 著名的果品有景谷象牙果,新平元阳元江路江产的菠萝,红河玉溪思茅德宏产的芝麻蕉天宝蕉矮脚蕉,河谷区的菠萝蜜呈贡的宝珠梨,昭通的青只果,昆明郊区的黄桃,昆明陆良产的桃李会泽蒙自的石榴,河谷地区的酸角等。